Kyle Rineer - President - Email
Jay Gallagher - Vice President - Email
Mike Kuhn - Secretary/Treasurer - Email
Joe Bleacher - Interpreter - Email
Travis Sorensen - Assistant Interpreter - Email
Keith Evans - Executive Board - Email
Jeff Erisman - Executive Board - Email
Brian Schopf - Executive Board - Email
Brian Wiggins - Past President -Email
LL League Assignor - Rick Hartl- Email
CYO/Rec League Assignor- Travis Sorensen- Email
Travel League Assignor- Gary Morinchin- Email
Ratings- Travis Sorensen and Chuck Snyder
Banquet- Patrick Cloonan and Mike Newcomer
Training- Gary Morinchin and Jay Gallagher
3-person- Dinny Kinloch and Ron Metzger
Recruiting- Jay Gallagher